Welcome to K1KEY   Valrico, FL    EL87VV




27.89806` N
 -82.21454` W
27.89806` N
27.89806` N
 -82.21454` W






Are you in need of updating your SKYWARNTM spotter certification?  Or, are you looking to attend a spotter training session for the first time?  If so, you are encouraged to attend these sessions or any other NWS Ruskin SKYWARNTM spotter training session in the near future.   If you or your group or club would like to organize a SKYWARNTM spotter training session for your area, feel free to contact Dan Noah with the NWS Ruskin at 813-645-2323.  Dan’s extension is 223. Feel free to call and leave a message at any time. 


Wunderground Weather







Skywarn Operational Update

The NWS Ruskin has made some minor modifications to its SKYWARN operating plan. These small changes are intended to make better use of the local SKYWARN resources, and to clear up the ongoing confusion of "who, and/or which SKYWARN net do I report my observation to (local county-run net or regional net)"?  So getting right to the point...here are the details:

  • Local county-run nets will handle all limited-coverage, day-to-day SKYWARN nets, such as those during convective events like severe thunderstorm or tornado watch/warning situations, and sea breeze driven severe thunderstorm events. 
  • The regional SKYWARN net on the NI4CE system will be utilized for widespread or regional events or natural disasters, such as tropical cyclone events, where the majority of the NWS Ruskin CWA is affected at the same time.


So basically, little overall has changed.  The role of county and regional nets are now streamlined and clearly defined, which will hopefully eliminate confusion as to which repeater SKYWARN volunteers should call reports in.  As always, the NWS Ruskin will continue to support the WCFG Inc, while maintaining ties with, and supporting individual county SKYWARN groups and volunteers, and emergency management agencies.   The NWS Ruskin is in the process of developing a new SKYWARN web page, which will outline the information above, and provide some useful information and tools to the local SKYWARN community.




 Below is a list of SKYWARNTM Frequencies for the NWS Ruskin County Warning Area.

NWS Ruskin Wide Area SKYWARNTM net frequencies,
operated on the NI4CE linked repeater system.
This linked system covers most of west central Florida.
County Location Frequency Alt. Frequency
County level SKYWARNTM net frequencies
County Primary Secondary Other